Nutrition and Hydration Week: Easy Ways to Drink More Water

As we celebrate Nutrition and Hydration Week, it’s a good time to talk about something really important: drinking enough water. Water is super important for our bodies, but lots of us find it hard to drink as much as we should. Let’s chat about why drinking water is so important and find some fun ways to drink more of it, including tasty recipes for flavoured water.

Why Drinking Water Matters

Water is like the fuel that keeps our bodies running smoothly. It helps our body do lots of important things, like keeping us cool, moving around nutrients, and getting rid of waste. When we don’t drink enough water, we can feel tired, get headaches, find it hard to concentrate, and even have bigger health problems in the long run.

Tips for Drinking More Water

  1. Set Reminders: Sometimes, we forget to drink water during our busy days. Set reminders on your phone or computer to remind you to take regular sips of water.
  2. Carry a Water Bottle: Keep a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go. It makes it much easier to drink water when you have it with you all the time.
  3. Add Some Flavour: If plain water doesn’t excite you, try adding some flavour! You can add slices of fruit or some herbs to your water to make it taste better.
  4. Keep Track: Try keeping track of how much water you drink each day in a journal or on your phone. It’s easier to drink more water when you can see how much you’ve already had.
  5. Eat Water-Rich Foods: Snack on foods that have lots of water in them, like cucumber, watermelon, strawberries, and lettuce. They help keep you hydrated and give you extra vitamins and minerals.

Tasty Flavoured Water Recipes

  1. Citrus Splash: Pop some slices of lemon, lime, and orange into a jug of water. Leave it in the fridge for a while to let the flavours mix together. It’s like a zesty party for your taste buds!
  2. Cucumber Mint Cooler: Put some slices of cucumber and a few mint leaves in a pitcher of water. Stick it in the fridge for an hour or so before drinking. It’s super refreshing, especially on a hot day.
  3. Berry Blast: Mix up some strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries in a jug of water. Let it sit in the fridge for a bit to get all juicy and delicious. It’s like drinking a fruity rainbow!
  4. Tropical Treat: Chuck in some pineapple and mango chunks into your water, along with a splash of coconut water. Leave it in the fridge overnight for a taste of the tropics in your own home.
  5. Herbal Harmony: Drop some rosemary sprigs, thyme, and a squeeze of lemon into a jug of water. Let it hang out for a couple of hours before serving. It’s like a spa day for your taste buds!

two glasses of water with lemon and lime in it perfect for hydration

By making hydration a priority and trying out these simple tricks, you can make sure you’re getting enough water every day. Whether you like plain water, flavoured water, or water-rich foods, staying hydrated is a small but important step towards feeling your best.

Happy Nutrition and Hydration Week!